Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf

Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf
Written by: Jennifer L. Holm
Pictures by: Elicia Castaldi

This picture book follows Ginny through her 7th grade school year. It was a very fun book to read because it reads like a year book. There are notes, diary entries, instant messaging text blocks, receipts..... Ginny deals with some very typical adolescent issues: younger siblings, popularity, homework, boys and bullying. She also have some very unique struggles: her father was killed by a drunk driver when she was younger and her mother has recently remarried. Her older brother is a juvenile delinquent and ends up being sent to a reform school.

I think that this is a great book for any middle school aged student to read because it gives a realistic perspective of the struggles young people go through. It is written from a female perspective, so it would more than likely be a female audience that would be picking this book up. The pictures and graphics make it a fast read with a lot of details. Overall a fun book!


  1. I've never heard of this, but it sounds great and I LOVE the title! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Marci - I am joining with Group L since I wasn't listed. Still looking for Courtney's blog - do you know it?

  3. I'd like to get a copy myself sometime! I miss being at a middle school sometimes...

  4. Marci,
    I hope that you are finding more YA picture books, ones that deal with serious topics but in the picture book format.

  5. Marci
    Sounds like a great book. I think my fifth graders would like this book before leaving for middle school. I didn't realize that we were supposed to find books with more serious topics so I will have to adjust my post.
