Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chapter 10 Reflection

Reading this chapter reminded me of all of the great non fiction stories that I have read throughout my life. I admit that this is not my favorite type of book to read, but I have read some great ones. The one that kept popping up in my mind was, Lies My Teacher Told Me. This was a book that we were assigned to read in my Masters class at OSU. This was probably one of the most powerful books that I have read. It focused on all of the misconceptions that are passed onto our students because of lies that are perpetuated by textbooks and teachers. There was one section that focused on Christopher Columbus. It noted 10 History Textbooks that are used in our local classrooms. In each book, there was a picture of Christopher Columbus and each picture showed a different man. I really just couldn't believe it. This book is something that I think about quite a bit when I am teaching. Before I state a "fact" to my students I think about what I am going to say. Is this something that I know for sure, think I know or don't know anything about. If it is anything other than I know for sure, I wait to say something until I can look it up. I am curious about other great non fiction stories that you have all read. Look forward to reading the Freedom Writer's... I have heard great things about this book.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to read Lies...I took a couple really interesting IB history classes in hs (one on Latin America) that really show the ugly side of the US. My teacher was in the extreme that he almost hated the US but I think it is good for us to know we shouldn't be proud of EVERYTHING our country has done.
