Saturday, May 15, 2010

L Book Group Choice

Hi Everyone, I saw that other book groups were doing this and I thought that it might be a good idea to just all reply to one post. What book would you like to read? I am really very much open to anything..... lets try to get our choice soon so that we can all start reading :) What do you think?


  1. Some of my students already talked about "Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World around Them by the Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell." They loved this book. That's one option.

    "Blink: The Power of Thinking WIthout Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell is a fascinating book. This book was loaned by a male friend, who loaned to another guy, then he loaned to my friend, and finally she loaned to me. I read it all way through one night because it was a pleasant jargon-free read. If you don't choose this book, I recommend it as one the books on your summer reading list.

    Any other option? I like exploring different books. Any book will do.


  2. I am okay with reading any non-fiction book that we decide, but it would be nice to read one that can be found in our libraries.

  3. Can the Freedom Writers be found in local libraries? I have heard great things about this book and have wanted to read it.

  4. I starred both Blink and Freedom Writers in my text as I read. That would be three of us interested in Freedom Writers at this point. Shall this be our choice? Did any of you see this movie with Hilary Swank? It is really good, but I bet the book is better - aren't they always?

  5. I am pretty indecisive so okay with anything:) In going over some selections in chapter 10, the following possibly look interesting:

    Lies My Teacher Told Me (I have always wanted to read this but it might be a bit long?)

    Angela's Ashes (again, have always wanted to read)

    Running with Scissors(I think it was also a movie)

    Yeah Yeah Yeah! The Beatles, Beatlemania, and Music That Changed the World (Because I like music and esp the Beatles:))

  6. I think that since three of us mentioned the freedom writers.... then lets just go with that. That way we can get started reading asap. By the way... I read the book Lies My Teacher Told Me and it is an excellent book! I have also read Angela's Ashes, but I didn't love it as much.

  7. ok so we just blog about it next week?

  8. Freedom Writers sounds fine to me. I just need to get it, so I may not post until later this week. Thanks for making a decision group :) Go team!
