Monday, April 12, 2010

Movie Assignment.... The Goonies

Steven Spielberg Presents..... The Goonies
I decided to go with one of my favorite movies as a child, The Goonies. This is about a group of mismatched kids who try to save their homes from being sold to a big developer. the kids go on a big adventure that includes being chased by the mafia, discovering a treasure map and navigating their way through an underground cave created by a pirate named One Eyed Willie.

I really think that this movie would appeal to adolescents because it is all about the journey of self discovery. The kids in this group are very mismatched. You have a group of misfits who call themselves, The Goonie, and a group of older, more popular kids. Throughout this adventure, you see the popular kids being drawn into this world, and by the end, they all declare themselves Goonies.

I think that this would also appeal to the adolescent audience because the adults in this film are the ones that need saving. The parents are at a loss as to what to do to stop their homes from being sold. The parents are ready to throw in the towel and walk away, but it is the kids who want to stand up and fight for what is right. I think that this is a great example for all those adolescents out their who need empowerment!

I think that adolescents really struggle with knowing what group they should belong in. I think that kids are quickly labeled in our schools.... the jocks, the nerds, the popular kids and the misfits. This movie really addresses these labels and in the end you see how silly these labels really are. The popular kid can be a nerd, and the misfit really can be popular. I think that this movie portrays this message in a fun and relate able manner.

I give this movie two thumbs up!!!

1 comment:

  1. Same themes in Breakfast Club with a whole different approach.
