Thursday, April 22, 2010

Student Survey

My survey findings were pretty consistent with all of the other posts that people have made. I am substitute teaching at this point in time, so I did not have a classroom to survey. I asked 20 adolescents that I know to complete the survey. Friends, Family and Neighbors! I think that my findings were pretty varied because of the variety of age levels that I tested. There is a big difference between a 5th graders and an 8th grader in terms of likes and dislikes. My 5th graders enjoyed games such as Mario Brothers and Zoo Tycoon, while the 8th graders enjoyed games like Halo and Fight Simulator. It was interesting that most of them reported watching over an hour of tv a day, but only 20 minutes of reading. 80% of the students surveyed participated in after school sports or other organized programs. They talked about how this really cut into time that they might have spent reading. Twilight was a very popular book series chosen by most of the girls surveyed. This was consistent amongst the grade levels :) The boys liked Calivin and Habbs and Sci Fi Fantasy books. It was interesting that most of them mentioned enjoying time on the computer. A popular choice on the computer was Facebook and game applications from there. I had a lot of fun completing this survey and getting a feel for what the typical adolscent is liking these days. Boy times have changed!

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