Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Assignment #1

The Question: Were your readings as an adolescent part of that perspective?

I first wanted to talk a little about the first chapter of YAL. I just loved reading about the defining moments! There were some that I am still thinking about a week later! It is so interesting and thought provoking how small things can really impact who we will be as adults. I have to say that it made me reflect upon the childhood that we are providing for our 2 year old son and 8 month old daughter. You want it to be the most happiest experience possibly. I don't want either one of them to say that their defining moment as a child was something that we did wrong! :)

I definitely related to what the author was discussing in chapter 2. I really liked how it was discussed that reading is a social act. I really think that this is the case. There is one particular 6th grade class that I substitute in quite often that this reminded me of. The students in this classroom just love books. Their free choice time is spent reading books and talking about them. Every desktop has two or three YAL books out. I actually got the idea of what YAL book I am reading for this class from one of the students! I also agree that one wrong book choice can throw off a student. I had flashbacks to my high school literature experience. So many of the books that we were required to read were just boring! I had such a hard time relating to them. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to read many of the classics, but I wouldn't choose to read them now.

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